There goes one of my favourite singer, Whitney Houston. I met her about 20 years ago in Bodyguard, I mean I watched the movie. There isn't a lot of movies like nowadays, that was my favourite movie. I watched it again and again so many time, and I hope I am Kevin Costner myself. That is how I know Kevin Costner as well, in Bodyguard. I do keep on to support him in another few movie and too bad he didn't have anymore nice movie after that. The same with Whitney Houston. She didn't have much nice songs after that. The two songs that I like most from her is I will always love you and One moment in time. Too bad that she had a drug problem and not able to clear it. Or else she will have lots of beautiful songs that can let us remember her now.
She tried to come back to the stage again but things are out of control here, she just past away in Hilton Hotel. Her voice is so beautiful and the way she sings can touch your heart easily. Is it a curse that successful singers or actors always have this kind of drug problem? I believe that there will be more wonderful movies and songs without these drug problems. Stay away from drug.
At last, Rest in peace Whitney.